Friday, 17 April 2009

Whither comedy? Withered comedy, more like

Last night...

FX, 9.30pm
A half-hour set-up for an entirely predictable fart gag. That was the entire show. Oh, wait, I beg their pardon: there is the title (and in case you don't get it, the company that performs medical tests on the loser protagonists is called Testico – phnaar, sounds like testicles); plus a sub-plot with an enlarged penis joke and a premature ejaculation punch-line. That was it. FX has one of the finest comedy minds in the world, Stephen Colbert, hidden away at midnight, while this (and its lame predecessor No Signal) gets a prime time slot. Testees - utter bollocks.


10pm, BBC2
Dear BBC, it has come to our attention that you have failed to notice that Dave Gorman is not actually a comedian. He comes up with concepts which, in the right hands, could be funny. That is what TV producers do. Then they find someone to present their show who doesn't have a rat-like gnawing quality to them, who doesn't sneer at the public, who comes up with jokes during the broadcast. Someone, like, say, a comedian. If Gorman insists on presenting the Radio 4 show he came up with now it's switched to TV, put him on BBC4, instead of the far more entertaining and charming Marcus Brigstocke and his show, I've Never Seen Star Wars, which is actually – and this is a word you may not remember – funny

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