Generation Kill
Sunday, 11pm (and +1)
Now, Mad Dog might have the sort of name you'd find in the Marines, but he wouldn't know one end of an M-16 from another, and would definitely have issues with taking a bathroom break in a pit under fire from an RPG (Glastonbury has never been quite that bad). So, he thought a Barking at the Television glossary might come in handy for watching Generation Kill, because when Cpl. Ray's been at the dip'n'rip, he's a belt-fed bulls**t artist...
• Attrited - worn down; one of those American words where a noun ('attrition') has been verbed
• Belt-fed - refers to the ammunition loading mechanism of a machine gun, but is used for emphasis: "He's a belt-fed a**hole"
• Charms - sweets provided in rations, considered unlucky by Marines - unlike Skittles.
• Combat Jack - a warzone w**k
• Devil Dog - a Marine
• Dip - a wad of tobacco, like Scandinavian snuss
• Grave - a Ranger Grave is a shallow pit which affords some protection while you sleep
• Haji - an Iraqi (or indeed anyone Middle Eastern)
• Hitman Victor - Humvee
• Mopped up - actually MOPPed up: wearing a Mission Oriented Protective Posture suit (nuclear, chemical, biological warfare protection)
• MRE - Meal, ready-to-eat
• Oscar Mike - on the move
• Rip fuel - an over-the-counter diet pill, which works as a stimulant for the sleep-deprived Marine. Banned but widely used.
• ROE - the rules of engagement (whether to shoot only when shot at, or at anyone identified hostile, or indeed at anyone not American)
• Schwack 'em - destroy them
• Sit Rep - situation report
• Tango - terrorist, or enemy
• Unf**k - fix, or otherwise improve a piece of equipment or a situation
• Victors - vehicles
• Whisky Tango - White Trash, the least offensive of the racial slurs flying around on Generation Kill
More to come in the comments... PLUS: Coming soon - the Corporal Josh Ray Person tribute
• Oh Dark Thirty – Half past bloody early
ReplyDelete• Whopper Junior – from Burger King, BK, baby killer, a Marine who's shot a child by mistake
• It's actually Ripped Fuel
• Tango – Target (it means "terrorist" in the intelligence community)